
Surface Mount Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NACEW Series offers a range of features, including cylindrical V-chip construction, wide temperature range, and compatibility with refect flow soldering. The capacitors have a rated voltage range of 6.3-100Vdc and a rated capacitance range of 1.0-12,000uF. The operating temperature range is -55°C to 105°C, with a capacitance tolerance of ±20%. The capacitors also meet the requirements of AEC-Q200.

The specifications include standardized values, case sizes, and electrical performance. The capacitors are available in various case sizes, including 4×5.5, 4×6.3, 5×5.5, 6.3×5.5, 6.3×6.3, 6.3×8, 8×6.5, 8×10.5, 10×8, and 12.5×14.

The recommendation for reflow soldering is a peak temperature of 230°C for 20 seconds, with a maximum time above 200°C of 150 seconds. The capacitors are compatible with a 15″ reel or a 13″ reel, with a tape reel size of 380mm or 330mm.

For automotive equipment, the part number system includes a suffix indicating the preferred reel size or legacy reel size. The specifications for dimensions and tolerance, as well as the recommended land pattern, are also provided.


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