The Medtronic Adaptor Extension is a medical device designed to create a connection between compatible Boston Scientific or Nevro leads, offering superior pain relief with DTM SCS therapy. This manual provides information on the safe use and maintenance of the device.
The Adaptor Extension is compatible with the following Boston Scientific leads:
- SC-2138-XX
- SC-2158-xx
- SC-2208-XX
- …
And with the following Nevro leads:
- Lead1058-xx(B)
- Lead3005-xx(B)
- …
Risks and Precautions
The Adaptor Extension may interact with sources of electromagnetic interference, causing unexpected changes in stimulation or serious patient injury. Patients with diabetes should be assessed preoperatively to confirm they are appropriate candidates for surgery. Adverse events may include undesirable changes in stimulation, hematoma, epidural hemorrhage, paralysis, and others. Refer to the Medtronic website for complete information on indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events.
Download: Medtronic Adaptor Extension User Manual
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