Fire Alarm & Emergency Communication System Limitations

A fire alarm system may lower insurance rates, but it is not a substitute for life and property insurance. It does not assure protection against property damage or loss of life resulting from a fire.

Smoke detectors must be installed in the same room as the control panel and in rooms used by the system for connection of alarm transmission wiring, signaling, and/or power.

Important Safety Considerations

Heat detectors do not sense particles of combustion and alarm only when heat on their sensors increases at a predetermined rate or reaches a predetermined level.

Smoke detectors may not sense fire where smoke cannot reach the detectors, such as in chimneys, in or behind walls, on roofs, or on the other side of closed doors.

A life safety system will not operate without electrical power, and if AC power fails, the system will operate from standby batteries only for a specified time and only if the batteries have been properly maintained and replaced regularly.


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