Important Safety Advisory

This notice informs users of a potential risk of unnecessary radiation exposure due to a software issue in the CARE Dose4D algorithm used in SIEMENS SOMATOM CT scanners.

The issue occurs when using p.a. or a.p. topograms for head scans, which can lead to incorrect tube current calculations and unnecessary radiation exposure.


Use lateral topograms instead of p.a. or a.p. topograms for head scans. Deactivate the CARE Dose4D function for specific protocols such as CarotidAngio scans and RT HeadNeckShoulder.

Additional Safety Features

SIEMENS Healthcare has implemented a dose alert according to the technical standard IEC 60801-2-44 to prevent deterministic radiation effects on the patient’s skin or eye lenses.

The user can configure dose notification thresholds for every scan range, and a notification will pop up prior to the scan if the threshold is exceeded.


SIEMENS experts are developing a solution to correct the problem with top priority and will inform users when the correction is released.


Download: Customer Safety Advisory Notice CTO76/17/S for SIEMENS SOMATOM CT Scanners

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