Safety Recall Notice

A potential issue has been identified on a limited number of 2015 model year F-TYPE (X152), XF (X250), and XJ (X351) vehicles.

The issue relates to the assembly processes used in the installation of the Primary drive belt and associated front-of-engine components, including the Power Steering pump and Generator fixings.

Affected Vehicles

F-TYPE (X152) Model Year: 2015, VIN: K17144-K18548

XF (X250) Model Year: 2015, VIN: U48681-U54800

XJ Range (X351) Model Year: 2015, VIN: V76489-V77854

Action Required

Retailers are required to hold affected vehicles and refrain from releasing them for sale pending completion of the rework action detailed in this Technical Bulletin.

Unsold vehicles should have this performed as part of the Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) process, but must have it completed prior to vehicle handover to the customer.

Affected vehicles already in the hands of customers should be updated at the next available opportunity.


Download: Technical Bulletin JO44NAS1: Safety Recall – Engine Front Ancillary Fixings for 2015 F-TYPE (X152), XF (X250), and XJ (X351) Models

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