The ESSENTIO MRI Pacemakers are designed for the treatment of various cardiac conditions, including symptomatic paroxysmal permanent second-degree AV block, symptomatic bilateral bundle branch block, and symptomatic paroxysmal transient sinus node dysfunction.
The pacemakers offer advanced features such as ImageReady MR-Conditional Pacing System, Automatic Daily Monitoring, and PaceSafe RV and RA, which provide dynamic adjustment of pacing outputs to ensure capture and maximize efficiency.
Indications and Usage
The pacemakers are indicated for the treatment of various cardiac conditions, including bradycardia, tachyarrhythmias, and heart failure.
Contraindications and Warnings
The pacemakers are contraindicated for patients with certain conditions, such as implanted cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) with transvenous leads, and unipolar pacing due to Lead Safety Switch.
Potential Adverse Events
Potential adverse events include allergic/physical/physiologic reactions, death, erosion/migration, fibrillation or other arrhythmias, and infection.
Download: ESSENTIO MRI Pacemakers Standard Models: L110 and L111 Extended Life (EL) Model: L131 User Manual
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