Important Safety Advisory for Biograph System Users

This notice informs users of Siemens Healthineers’ Biograph systems about a potential issue with the CARE Dose4D algorithm in CT scans that include the head region.

The algorithm may incorrectly calculate tube current when using posterior-anterior (PA) or anterior-posterior (AP) topograms, leading to unnecessary radiation exposure.

Recommended Actions

Use lateral topograms for all CT and PET/CT scans that include the entire head to avoid this issue.

If a PA or AP topogram is used, ensure that a lateral topogram is performed last, as CARE Dose4D is based on the last topogram.

Deactivate the CARE Dose4D feature if a lateral topogram is not used for scans including the entire head.

Additional Safety Features

A dose alert is implemented to prevent deterministic effects on the patient’s skin or eye lenses, with a default threshold of 1000 mGy.

Dose notification thresholds can be configured for every scan range.


Download: Customer Safety Advisory Notice: CARE Dose4D Algorithm Risk in CT Scans with Biograph Systems

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