The YNV1ZTLOOxy family of non-isolated DC-DC converters delivers up to 10 A of output current in an industry-standard through-hole (SIP) package.
Key Features
These converters operate from a 9.6-14 VDC input and are ideal for Intermediate Bus Architectures where point-of-load power delivery is generally required.
They offer high efficiency, no heat sink required, and reduce total solution board area.
The YNV1ZTLOOxy converters provide exceptional thermal performance, even in high-temperature environments with minimal airflow.
No derating is required for temperatures up to 70 ‘C under natural convection conditions.
The use of 100% automation for assembly, coupled with advanced power electronics and thermal design, results in a product with extremely high reliability.
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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/ynv12t10010-0/7953621265626475774/