Condition and Correction

Condensation may build up inside the B-pillar applique on some Model S, Model X, and Model 3 vehicles, potentially affecting Autopilot features.

The correction involves inspecting and removing gore patches from the B-pillar appliques to improve airflow and reduce condensation.


The procedure includes logging into Garage, checking the vehicle’s birthday, and removing and discarding the gore patches using tweezers or a similar tool.

Additional steps for Model S include removing adhesive, cleaning with IPA wipes, and applying acrylic double-sided tape.

The procedure concludes with reinstalling the B-pillar appliques and skipping the firmware redeployment step for Model 3.


Download: Tesla Service Bulletin SB-20-12-002: Remove B-Pillar Applique Gore Patches for 2016-2019 Model S, Model X, and Model 3

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