
Overview of mRata GA3S2QRZG Series Capacitor

The datasheet presents detailed information about the mRata capacitors under the GA3S2QRZG series that are in production and meet compliance standards such as RoHS and REACH. These components are X1N2 Class Certified, showcasing their alignment with industry quality and safety specifications.

Part Numbers and Packaging Details

It lists the part numbers with package codes GA3S2QRZGF152KWO1L and GA352QRZGF152KWO1K. Two forms of packaging are specified, differentiated by the embossed taping size: 180mm and 330mm, with minimum quantities of 1000 and 4000 pieces, respectively.

Physical Specifications

The datasheet provides precise measurements for the capacitors, with the length “L” size being 5.7±0.4mm, width “W” size at 2.8±0.3mm, and thickness “T” size at 1.5±0.0/-0.3mm. The mass of an individual component is typically 120mg, and the distance between external terminals is specified as a minimum of 4.0mm, with an external terminal width of a minimum of 0.3mm. Components are referred to by the size code in inches and millimeters: 2211 (5728M).

Electrical and Environmental Characteristics

Key electrical specifications include a capacitance value of 1500pF with a ±10% tolerance, and a rated voltage of 250Vac. The capacitors exhibit temperature characteristics compliant with XZR(EIA) standard, with a capacitance change rate of +15.0%. They operate effectively over a wide temperature range of -55 to +125°C, indicative of their reliability in various temperature conditions.

Important Notes

An advisory note states that this datasheet, sourced from Murata Manufacturing Co., may be subject to changes or product discontinuation without prior notice. Users are advised to consult with sales representatives or product engineers and review the product specifications or approval sheet before placing orders. The URL of the Murata Manufacturing Co. website is provided for further information, and the last update of the datasheet is noted as March 6, 2018.


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