Product Overview
The datasheet provides detailed information on the Samsung Electronics 2Gb B-die DDR3 SDRAM. The specific models covered in this datasheet are K4B2G0446B, K4B2GO846B, and K4B2G1646B, which are available in 78-pin and 96-pin FBGA packaging. This memory is designed to be both lead-free and halogen-free, complying with RoHS environmental standards.
Notice and Intellectual Property
Samsung Electronics reserves the right to make changes to products, information, and specifications at any time without notice. The content provided is for reference purposes only and is offered without any warranties. The document and the information within remain the exclusive property of Samsung Electronics, and no intellectual property rights are granted through this document.
Usage Restrictions
These Samsung products are not designed for use in life support, critical care medical equipment, safety devices, or in military, defense, or governmental applications where failure could lead to loss of life or bodily harm. Users should contact Samsung for updates or additional information regarding these products.
Trademark Information
The document recognizes that all brand names, trademarks, and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Revision History
This particular revision, 1.41 from November 2010, includes a correction of a typo. The revision history also documents changes such as the addition of current specifications for different DDR3 speed grades and the correction of AC timing tables and layout information in previous revisions.
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