Vehicle Identification
The 1966 model vehicles will have attached Vehicle Serial Number Plate, Body Code Plate, and the Owner Certicard Plate.
The Vehicle Serial Number Plate is located on the left front “A” post and contains the vehicle’s serial number, model, engine, and transmission identification numbers.
Serial Number Codes
The first digit of the serial number indicates the car line, the second digit indicates the car model, and so on.
The Body Code Plate contains the schedule date, body type code, trim code, and paint code.
The Owner Certicard Plate contains the owner’s name and address, delivery date, and Certicard code.
Engine Identification
The 1966 engine assemblies will carry an identification number indicating the series, displacement, month, and shift.
Download: 1966 Dodge Dart, Coronet, Polara and Monaco Service Manual
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