Welcome to 3M Littmann Stethoscopes
This user guide introduces the 3M Littmann stethoscope series, designed to provide acoustic performance, high quality, and comfort for medical professionals.
Product Features
The stethoscopes feature adjustable headsets with soft-sealing eartips and mechanical stethoscopes with tunable technology to hear different frequency sounds.
Various models are available, including Classic II, Classic III, Cardiology IV, and Master CORE Digital, each with unique features and benefits.
The stethoscopes come with different chestpiece and eartube options, and a range of finishes and colors are available, including standard, brass, copper, and high-polish.
Ordering Information and Tube Colour Guide
A detailed guide is provided for ordering the right stethoscope, including a tube color guide and a list of available finishes and colors.
Download: 3M Littmann Stethoscope User Guide
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