Device Description
The manual describes St. Jude Medical pulse generators, including single-chamber, dual-chamber, and CRT-P devices, with various features and models. The devices can be programmed using the Merlin Patient Care System.
Implantation is indicated for patients with certain conditions, including syncope, presyncope, fatigue, and disorientation due to arrhythmial bradycardia. Additionally, CRT-Ps are indicated for patients who would benefit from resynchronization of the right and left ventricles.
Accessories and Contraindications
Only approved accessories are listed for use with the pulse generators. MRI scans are contraindicated for patients without a complete St. Jude Medical MR Conditional pacing system. Implanted cardioverter-defibrillators, rate-adaptive pacing, and certain pacing modes are also contraindicated in specific situations.
Warnings and Precautions
Electrosurgery, lithotripsy, therapeutic radiation, and ultrasound treatment should be used with caution or avoided near the implanted device. Additionally, precautions should be taken during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ventricular sensing.
Download: USER’S MANUAL for St. Jude Medical Accent, Allure, Anthem, Assurity, and Endurity Pulse Generators
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