
The Braun ThermoScan IRT 3020 is a thermometer designed for accurate, safe, and fast temperature measurements in the ear.

The normal temperature range for Axillary site is 34-37.3°C (94.5-99°F), and for Oral site, it is 35.5-37.8°C (96-100°F).

Important Precautions

To avoid inaccurate measurement results, always use the thermometer with a new, clean cover, and grasp the outer edge of the top half of the ear when taking your own temperature.

Keep the thermometer away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and humidity.

Technical Specifications

The thermometer is calibrated at the time of manufacture, and its temperature range is 34-42°C (94.5-107.6°F).

If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of your thermometer, contact an authorized Kaz Service Center.


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