3M’s IC sockets are designed for programming and field replacement applications. The ZIP DIP sockets feature a patented lever-actuated zero-insertion-force mechanism, allowing for easy insertion and withdrawal without lead damage.
Product Families
3M offers a range of IC socket products, including:
- ZIP DIP sockets for DIP packages with 1/10 inch lead spacing
- Double ZIP DIP sockets for DIPS with 1/10 inch lead spacing
- End Use ZIP DIP sockets
- Shrink DIP sockets for devices with .070 inch lead spacing
- ZIP Strip sockets for single in-line devices
- Axial ZIP Strip sockets
- Axial ZIP Strip sockets with covers
- Diode ZIP Strip sockets
- LCC sockets
- PQFP sockets
- PQFP end use sockets
- CQFP end use sockets
- Receptacles, including ZIP DIP receptacles and Shrink DIP receptacles
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