This datasheet presents the specifications and characteristics of the American Opto Plus LED CIA101y GN, a 1.00-inch (25.4 mm) height single-digit seven-segment display with low power consumption and RoHS compliance.
Device Characteristics
The device features a yellow chip-emitted color, AlGaAs material, and a gray white face segment. It has an absolute maximum rating of 50mA for power dissipation per segment and 5V for reverse voltage.
Optical-Electrical Characteristics
The device’s typical characteristics include an average luminous intensity of 3000-10500 mcd, a forward voltage of 4.1-5.2V, and a dominant wavelength of 590nm.
Soldering and Handling Precautions
The datasheet provides guidelines for wave soldering, iron soldering, and lamp handling and application precautions, including storage, forming, soldering, and cleaning recommendations.
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