
The U-LD-630551A is a 635nm laser diode with a TO-18 package and Pb-free cap. It has an operating voltage range of 2.2-2.5V and an operating current range of 35-40mA.

Electrical and Optical Characteristics

The device has a threshold current of 25-30mA, a slope efficiency of 0.5-0.6 mW/mA, and a beam divergence of 7-11 degrees (FWHM) parallel and 30-33 degrees perpendicular.

Typical Characteristic Curves

The datasheet provides curves for optical output power vs. forward current, forward voltage vs. forward current, peak wavelength vs. case temperature, far-field pattern, monitor current vs. optical output power, slope efficiency vs. case temperature, and threshold current vs. case temperature.

Precautions and Safety

The datasheet includes precautions for handling and processing the laser diode, as well as safety precautions for designing products with regard to safety.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/u-ld-630551a/-8750052196572427486/

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