The AQO 3225 is a small-sized (3.2×2.5 mm) and low-cost oscillator suitable for laptop and handheld PDA applications.
Features and Specifications
It offers a frequency range of 1 MHz ~ 50 MHz with a frequency stability of ±50 ppm or ±100 ppm.
The operating temperature range is -40°C ~ +85°C, with an input voltage of 1.8V ~ 2.8V ~ 3.3V and a current of 30mA.
The output symmetry is 40% ~ 60%, with a rise and fall time of 8 ns and CMOS/TTL compatible logic levels.
Order Key and Packaging
The order key is customizable based on frequency, type, tolerance, voltage, temperature, and packaging options.
Packaging options include TR (tape reeled) and other custom options.
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