Important Safety Notes
Failure to read and follow the installation instructions could result in separation of the towed vehicle from the tow bar, causing property damage, loss of towed vehicle, personal injury, or death.
Reference your vehicle owner’s manual for manufacturer’s towing specifications.
Baseplate Installation
The baseplate installation requires some drilling and trimming, and may require tailoring to compensate for vehicle manufacturer’s tolerances.
Use a sufficient amount of Loctite® Red on all bolt threads before tightening, and tighten all bolts according to the torque chart provided.
Tools and Parts Required
A list of tools and parts required for the installation is provided, including a vise grip, Phillips screwdriver, torque wrench, and various bolts and screws.
Installation Steps
The installation steps are outlined, including removing the belly pan and bumper, disconnecting the foglights, and aligning the baseplate with the existing holes in the frame.
Please note that the installation instructions are for a specific model and year range of Jeep Wrangler/Wrangler Unlimited, and may not be applicable to other models or years.
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