The Series Y relay is a non-latch, 4-pole double-throw (4PDT) relay with a low-level switching capability up to 5 amps. It features a hermetically sealed, corrosion-resistant metal can and is available in various mounting styles and terminal types.
Key Characteristics
Contact rating: 5 amps at 28 Vdc and 115/200 Vac, 400 Hz
Operating voltage: 28 Vdc, with maximum operating voltage up to 48 Vdc
Coil characteristics: 12 Vdc nominal operating voltage, with maximum drop-out voltage of 4.5 Vdc
Environmental Characteristics
Temperature range: -70°C to +125°C
Vibration and shock resistance: Meets MIL-STD-202, Method 204
Insulation resistance: 100 MΩ min.
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