About this Instructions for Use

This manual is intended to help users interact with the Welch Allyn RetinaVue Network by describing its capabilities and operation.

Primary Intended Users

Medically qualified, trained healthcare professionals and secondary users including biomedical personnel, IT professionals, and Hillrom and third-party service personnel.

Intended Use

The RetinaVue Network is a web-based software system application for storing, managing, and displaying patient data, diagnostic data, and images from computerized diagnostic instruments.

Contraindications: None known.

Computer System Requirements:

Minimum requirements include: Tower or desktop computer, 2 GHz CPU, 2 GB RAM, 1280×720 monitor resolution, Ethernet port, and Windows 10 operating system.

Recommended software includes Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox Quantum, and IOS Safari (version 11 or greater).


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