

The RHVTRC 7 is a high accuracy surface mount crystal with a wide frequency range, excellent frequency source for telecom applications, and tight tolerance and stability over temperature.


The frequency range is from 1.00 MHz to 360.00 MHz, with a frequency tolerance of +5 PPM to +25 PPM, and a load capacitance range of 10 pF to 32 pF or series.

Frequency Stability Over Temperature Range

The crystal exhibits excellent frequency stability over the temperature range, with a maximum deviation of +3 PPM to +15 PPM from -40°C to +85°C, and a typical drive level of 0.1 mW.

Holder Types and Outline Drawings

The crystal is available in two holder types, A-SMD (HC-49/U-SMD) and C-SMD (UM-1-SMD), with specific outline drawings provided for each type.

Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) and ESR Characteristics

The ESR characteristics of the crystal are specified for different frequencies and packages, with values ranging from 1.000 MHz to 16.000 MHz.

Frequency Range and Mode of Oscillation

The crystal is available in different modes of oscillation, including fundamental, third overtone, fifth overtone, seventh overtone, and ninth overtone, with specific frequency ranges and modes specified for each holder type.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/c-100-00-s-5ot-smd/4361648352766031086/

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