Data Sheet Overview:
This datasheet provides information on Series 0600 Strip-Line Headers with Coined Contacts from Aries Electronics. The features include a “Break” feature allowing the header to be cut to the desired number of positions, side-to-side and end-to-end stackability, and the option for custom design and production.
The headers have a body material of black UL 94-VO Glass-filled 4/6 Nylon, with Brass contacts and a choice of plating options: Matte Tin, Gold, or Tin/Lead. The operating temperature range is -221’F to 257’F (-105°C to 125°C), and the contact current rating is 2 Amps.
Mounting Considerations:
The recommended PCB hole size is 0.035 ± 0.002 inches (0.89 ± 0.05 mm), and the maximum lead diameter for fork contacts is 0.025 inches (0.64 mm). The headers are available in various sizes, with pin counts from 1 to 25.
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