Publication Overview

This bi-monthly publication, Flying Lady, is dedicated to Rolls-Royce and Bentley Motor Cars. It is a newsletter published by the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club, Inc. The publication includes a mix of articles, news, and reviews related to the club, its events, and its members. The newsletter also includes information on car-related topics, advertisements, and announcements.

Notable Articles

Some notable articles include a recap of the Winter Mini-Meet and board of directors meeting in Charleston, SC, where 70 people attended. The article also mentions an upcoming 2022 club events, including the Natchez Euro Fest and RROC Mini Meet, the Arkansas Spring Tour, the National Annual Meet in San Diego, and the rescheduled Vancouver Island Fall Tour.

Additionally, there is a section dedicated to Membership & Motorcar Database, where new members are introduced, and there is a notice about an increase in the PRIMARY MEMBER dues.


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