D5. Evaluation Report on Outcomes from the Friendly Trial

This report outlines the outcomes from the Friendly Trial, a research project that aimed to advance ICT systems and services for integrated care.

Study Design and Methodology

The study deployed technology to support patients with multimorbidity and their care networks. Participants were recruited in Ireland and Belgium, and data was captured and analyzed using various methods, including questionnaires and focus groups.


Technical issues and implications were observed with certain devices, and additional devices were tested in parallel with the Friendly Trial. Usage statistics were also gathered, providing insights into device engagement and performance.


The report summarizes the pros and cons of the Friendly Trial Kit, participant engagement levels, and implications for the PoC trial. Limitations and future plans are also discussed.

This evaluation report provides valuable insights into the outcomes of the Friendly Trial and its implications for future research and development.


Download: ProACT: Evaluation Report on Outcomes from the Friendly Trial

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