

The datasheet provides technical information on ESIEG Metallized Polyester Capacitors, specifically the 5150 and 5154 series.

Ratings and Dimensions

The capacitors have radial tinned copper leads and a stacked layer construction with polyester as the dielectric material.

Rated capacitance values range from 0.015 to 10.0 μF, with a tolerance of ±20%, ±10%, or ±5% depending on the value.

The capacitors have a maximum dimension of 26.0 mm (H) x 17.5 mm (W) x 8.5 mm (L) for the smallest value and 26.0 mm (H) x 23.5 mm (W) x 10.0 mm (L) for the largest value.

Electrical Characteristics

The capacitors have a self-inductance of 10.1 nH to 20.1 nH, a dissipation factor (tg δ) of 0.045 to 0.058, and a capacitance drift (ΔC/C) of ≤ 3%.

Insulation resistance is ≥ 10,000 MΩ at 25°C, and the category voltage (Uc) varies with temperature and operation voltage.

Environmental Conditions

The capacitors are designed to operate within climatic category 4, with a minimum category temperature of 40°C, a maximum category temperature of 100°C, and an average relative humidity of 75% at 30 days per year.

They also meet the requirements of damp heat test in accordance with DIN 40046 and IEC 384-2.


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