

The datasheet describes the features and specifications of the Quartz SMD (Surface Mount Device) components, specifically the HC49M, HC49J, and HC49H variants.

The components offer high reliability, are available in an extended temperature range, and are suitable for automotive applications.

The datasheet provides detailed specifications for the components, including:

  • Frequency range and tolerance
  • Load capacitance
  • Temperature range and tolerance
  • Storage and operating temperature
  • Drive level and maximum drive level
  • Resistance and capacitance values
  • Aging and insulation resistance

The datasheet also includes dimensions and solder pad patterns for the components.

All specifications are subject to change without notice.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/q-10-000000m-hc49h-f-10-100-f-sr-tr/-9056588596822724164/

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