Summary: The 2024 Model Year Emira Durability Group Application for Certification, Part 1 is a document submitted by Lotus Cars Ltd to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Air Resources Board (CARB) to certify their Emira model for emissions compliance. The document outlines the engine family, durability procedure, test group description, and test vehicle description. It also includes statements of compliance and requests for certificate of conformity.

Organisation Chart

The document includes an organisational chart listing the contact information of key personnel at Lotus Cars Ltd, including the Managing Director, Chief Engineer, and Lead Engineer Type Approval.

USA Contact Information

The document also includes USA contact information for Lotus Cars Ltd, including the name and contact details of their US-based representative, Mr Stephen Burke.

Durability Procedure Description

The document outlines the durability procedure and test group description for the Emira model, including the engine family, fuel type, and catalyst description.

Test Group Description

The document includes a description of the test group for the Emira model, including the applicable standards and test numbers.


Download: 2024 Model Year Emira Durability Group Application for Certification, Part 1

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