
Summary of Key Features

The Quartz SMDCeramic datasheet provides information about the AC7050/2 and AC7050/4 ceramic resonator products.

High Reliability: The ceramic resonators are designed for high mechanical demands and are available in a small leadless type.

The products have a frequency range of 6.0MHz to 27.0MHz, with a frequency tolerance of ±50 to ±80 ppm.

Technical Specifications:

The datasheet outlines specifications such as load capacitance, temperature range, storage temperature, and operating temperature.

Additional details on series resistance, shunt capacitance, insulation resistance, and aging are also provided.

The recommended soldering pattern and dimensions are included in the datasheet for easy assembly and installation.

All specifications are subject to change without notice.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/q-10-000000m-ac7050-4-f-50-20-e-10-tr/3572807159527221561/

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