This manual provides an overview of the navigation system in the 2011 Honda ZDX. The system is a highly sophisticated location system with voice control that uses satellites and a map database to show the driver where they are and guide them to a desired destination.

System Overview

The navigation system uses signals from the global positioning system (GPS) and a network of 24 satellites in orbit around the earth to determine the latitude, longitude, and elevation of the vehicle. In addition, a gyroscopic yaw sensor and a vehicle speed sensor keep track of the direction and speed of travel at all times.

Getting Started

The manual is divided into several sections, including Getting Started, Entering a Destination, Driving to Your Destination, Information Features, and System Setup. The Getting Started section provides a basic introduction to the controls and how to communicate with the system.

Entering a Destination

The Entering a Destination section explains how to enter an address or locate a point of interest (POI), including using the voice control system, selecting an item from the screen, and entering information.

Driving to Your Destination

The Driving to Your Destination section explains the map features, guidance, and cautions, including showing the map of current position, showing the map of city, and showing the map of destination.

Information Features

The Information Features section explains the information features, voice command help, and other accessories, including the map orientation, current location, map scale, and destination icon.

System Setup

The System Setup section explains how to set up and tailor the system for personal use and use the Address Book.

Important Safety Information

The manual also includes Important Safety Information, including precautions and warnings for safe usage of the navigation system.


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