Series 112, 113, & 114 Deci-Center” TM Jumpers

Data Sheet Overview The datasheet provides information on the Series 112, 113, and 114 Deci-Center” TM Jumpers, including cable detail, header detail, and ordering information. Tolerances All tolerances are ±0.005 (±0.13) unless otherwise specified. Cable Detail The cable detail includes the following information: A = (number of conductors x 0.050 [1.27]) + 0.095 [2.41] B […]
LazsPEED@ Single Jacket AII-Dielectric; Gel-Filled; Outdoor Central Tube Cable

General Information This datasheet describes the LazsPEED@ Single Jacket AII-Dielectric; Gel-Filled; Outdoor Central Tube Cable, a fiber optic cable designed for outdoor central tube cable applications. Product Classification and Portfolio This cable is classified under CommScope’s portfolio of products and is available in Asia, Australia/New Zealand, EMEA, Latin America, and North America. Physical Specifications The […]
Series 100 thru 111 DIP Jumpers

Product Overview Aries offers a wide range of DIP jumper configurations and wiring possibilities for various programming needs. Specifications
Quartz SMDCeramic: auris AC7050/2 AC7050/4

Overview Quartz SMDCeramic presents a high-reliability, ultra-thin, and small leadless type for demanding mechanical applications. Key specifications: Frequency range: 6.0 – 27.0 MHz Frequency tolerance: ± 0 ppm to ± 110 ppm Load capacitance: As per Table 7 Temperature range: -20°C to +125°C Storage temperature: -40°C to +125°C Other notable features and options: Series resistance: […]
Current Regulative Diode CRD CRD Datasheet

Data Sheet Overview The Current Regulative Diode CRD CRD is a diode that supplies constant current to an electric circuit, even when power supply voltage fluctuations or load impedance fluctuations occur. Product Specifications The CRD CRD is available in two series: S Series and E Series. Each series has multiple part numbers with varying specifications, […]
General-purpose Basic Switch

Overview The datasheet provides information on the General-purpose Basic Switch, a best-selling switch boasting high precision and a wide variety of options. Features The switch has a high switching capacity of 15A with high repeat accuracy, and a wide range of variations in contact form, including basic, split-contact, maintained-contact, and adjustable contact gap types. The […]
Extracted Datasheet Title: None

The datasheet appears to be for a product with the part number 55476-XXXX, where XXXX is a variable. The title of the datasheet is not explicitly provided. The first two pages of the datasheet provide general information about the product, including its dimensions, materials, and specifications. The product is described as a hybrid power module […]